Innovkraft Inc

Digital Marketing Agency in Bangalore 

If you are looking for the best digital marketing agency in Bangalore, then look no further. Innovkraft since its inception has risen to the demands of today’s compelling digital world with the aim to drive creative campaigns and derive tangible, maximized ROI for your business.  

With Innovkraft you find a partner who can weave the digital magic for your brainchild. Be it driving measurable SEO strategies, developing intuitive/ visually commanding websites or attaining creative peaks day-in and day-out to run campaigns on social media, with Innovkraft you find the exemplification of the best digital marketing company in Bangalore. Our strong technical acumen combined with the passion to achieve excellence in every work we do, be it siloed or collective, is one of the major reasons why we are counted among the best digital marketing agency in Bangalore over the past years.  

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    Digital Marketing Company in Bangalore

    How we Work 

    For a digital marketing agency in Bangalore, we believe that being part of the collective and working in synchronization is key. We call ourselves a collective group of aspiring minds who long each day to bring out the best of our inventions in our respective areas. Being one of the top digital marketing companies in Bangalore, we brainstorm the harmonious way, not to lose sight of things and make sure all are on the same page. If we come across questions, contradictions or want to place our opinions, we put them across the group and make sure we arrive at the right opinion in the best interest of our clients.
    Digital Marketing Agency in Bangalore

    Our Mainstays

    Inarguably our employees form the mind and soul of the organization. We invest in creative, diligent minds who break the conventions & norms and think otherwise. We invest in advanced technologies & related necessities to put the best foot forward in order to exceed the expectations of our clients. Our internal approach involves collaborative sharing in both formal and informal ways to help one another so that we are crystal clear before we head on our individual tasks. We are of the firm belief that all these forms the hallmark of the best digital marketing company in Bangalore.

    What we offer

    As a digital marketing agency in Bangalore, our offerings include a host of solutions that complete the full circle of our client’s digital marketing needs. Below are our areas of expertise about which we are extremely proud of –

    Performance Marketing

    As a digital marketing agency in Bangalore, we love our data. Our inherent results-driven approach helps us to measure the performance of the brands we are working with and understand how they are placed and engaged on social media platforms. Our performance marketing experts are adept at various techniques such as analyzing, advertising, and in achieving the desired outcome for your brand each day.


    Our approach to branding is inherently organic and strategic. By leveraging our expertise in marketing across all channels including social media, email, websites, blogs and video content, we help our client’s brand cement its position amidst its competition. We are also responsible for ensuring the brand gets the needed visibility, unique identity and credibility across its industry landscape.

    Web Development

    Our very inventive and thoughtful web development team have successfully delivered intuitively stunning and aesthetically pleasing websites. By nature of being a digital marketing company in Bangalore, we have a team of certified web developers who visualize, conceptualize, and actualize ideas to give it a concrete & final shape. Be it dynamic, static or responsive, our expert team of developers leverage maximum bandwidth and scale to design as per the client’s vision and expectations.

    Search Engine Optimization

    Being a digital marketing agency in Bangalore, SEO has been one of our mainstays. Our SEO team consists of certified SEO experts who are great at digging up the right content to best position our clients in their competitive marketplace. We adopt data-driven strategies and an approach that is conducive to the then market scenario, a crucial factor for a SEO driven digital marketing company in Bangalore. Keeping a sharp eye on the emerging trends, terms and usage of right to fit & relevant keywords and including them in the rooster of our SEO work forms a regular part of our approach. This has helped our clients gain great traction and attention to their website and hence have benefitted from the rise in the number of clients along with affirming a commendable business posture in the marketplace.

    Photography and Video

    Our innovative team of photographers and videographers are adept at capturing compelling visuals to turn them into timeless stories and to bring life to moments and turn them into brilliant artistries which is one of the reasons why we are listed among the top digital marketing company in Bangalore.

    UI/UX Design

    Our innovative UI & UX design services are aimed at delivering excellent finished product in a timely manner. Our design team at Innovkraft are equipped with the latest software, tools and techniques to deliver highly engaging web applications that are conducive and responsive on multiple platforms including mobile, tabs and other hand-held devices.

    Social Media Marketing

    Our expertise in social media marketing ensures brand building, drives sales, increases traffic density for your website and assures a follower community for your brand. We believe that to deliver a successful social media marketing strategy, consistency is key. We are adept at devising social strategies, planning & executing relevant/trending content while also leveraging advanced tools & techniques.


    At Innovkraft, ideas form the basis of our output. Be it in crafting smart captive copies or intensive content for websites and blogs, our team of content writers are at the pinnacle of chalking out thoughts and ideas that translate from mere words to digital outcomes.

    Why Innovkraft is counted among the top digital marketing agency in Bangalore


    Be it in the field of content, design or development, we boast of a skilled team who just know their job. We abstain from following a routine approach which results in monotony, and instead break-out of it to devise unique efforts that realize as great outcomes.


    A digital marketing company in Bangalore engages with a variety of clientele, and we are no different. Having the right and one of the most skilled resources means we are always in a great position to handle a diverse clientele who come with diverse demands.

    Leveraging Advanced Technology

    We are of the firm belief that adapting to advanced and latest trends & technologies is a necessity otherwise which leads to stagnation, and we end up playing catch-up. Innovkraft being a digital marketing company in Bangalore, leads the way by adhering to any latest additions or developments in the technology space to ensure we leave no stone unturned to help our clients drive profitable business outcomes.


    Our social media team are on the go to help elevate your brand and position it amongst the top ranks. By continuous monitoring and optimizing page performances, we churn out statistics that matter in the form of engagements, impressions and business analytics to gauge a realistic picture of our campaigns and efforts.

    Join us on our creative voyage by partnering with the best Digital marketing company in Bangalore

    Our Differentiators


    To effectively position our clients amidst a competitive landscape, we refrain from resorting to general servicing, and instead tailor targeted strategies to help elevate their position. By understanding key objectives, their target audience and how they differentiate themselves, we cater to them with a personalized approach that in turn boosts their online presence.

    Timely and Accessible

    Being a digital marketing agency in Bangalore, we ensure we are easily accessible and approachable through all convenient mediums for our clients. We understand that digital marketing is a dynamically evolving landscape which pushes for immediate and real-time changes & accommodations. At such a juncture our clients need to be on their toes and on-the-fly; and we make this happen by ensuring on-time response and access to our resources at our clients’ disposal.

    Adhering to Project Goals & Timelines

    One of the integral natures of a digital marketing company in Bangalore is the sheer commitment to deliver on time while also helping clients achieve their desired goal. At Innovkraft we set rigorous timelines and ensure they are adhered to successfully on course of attaining project goals & objectives. This is because we understand the significance of our client’s needs and how imperative it is for them to get the job done to reach their business goal. Being one of the top digital marketing agencies in Bangalore, we make it a point to have ample and reserved resources and we have never fallen short. This also is a testament to our commitment to best serve our clients.

    Our Focus

    Our SEO strategies are thought-out, analyzed and dispelled to optimize on-page web sources of our clients. Our SEO experts specialize in keyword research, indexing and mapping to tactically accommodate the right set of keywords on our client’s site.
    Our area of specialization in SEO is a vast one. Apart from on-page optimization, we specialize in SEO for local businesses, video SEO, mobile optimization, SEO for E-commerce to name a few.
    At Innovkraft, we drive our best resources to prioritize web development. We are non-believers of the one-size-fits-all approach. We make it a point to devise strategies to design websites for each of our clients. We advise and execute intuitive, neat & seamless designs for better reach and user experience. Most of the time, we remain client specific and tailor designs & developments according to their demands & needs.
    Excepting appealing colour codes and impactful fonts, we make it a point that our design conveys a lot even without the content. Our creative design team are adept at executing the best of their skills to bring out thoughtful and focused design structures.
    Regardless of the bandwidth, we commit ourselves to capture the most intrinsic moments when it comes to rendering visual story. Be it real-time still shoots, or videos, we bring out captivating artistry behind the story.
    Be it rankable content for SEO, cheesy and on-point copies for social media or formal & strong wordly content for blogs & articles, our aim is to formulate a content that does business and meets the desired goal for our clients.
    Our every execution is met by metrics. We ensure that we measure our deliverables by real-time analytics, performance metrics and data that reflects business performance.
    Depending on the nature of the content, our SEO team remains on-the-go to ensure each content is optimized to best position it in terms of the rankings. With careful selection of keywords and creating trending blogs and articles, we ensure your content is optimized to rank among the best.
    Our list of clientele includes local, national and international clients. We are flexible enough to work across time zones to ensure timely & successful delivery of projects. It also means that we are accessible and responsive on time, anytime, to our client’s queries and requests.
    One of our priorities being a digital marketing agency in Bangalore is to invest in and unearth technologies that enable speedy and efficient execution. To make this happen, we keep track of the latest advancements & technologies and leverage the ones that truly benefit us as a digital marketing firm and our clients.
    Digital Marketing Agency in Bangalore

    Our Tenacity 

    Digital Marketing Agency in Bangalore

    The will and passion to achieve great things is what drives us day-in and day-out. We constantly strive to exemplify and keep up to the tag of being amongst the best digital marketing agency in Bangalore. We hate being calculative and cautious when it comes to taking challenges.  

    We keep our heads on the ground and because of this we understand the needs and pain points of our clients. The grounded attitude has also helped us go to the lengths and breadths in delivering appropriate and desired results for our clients, which has in turn helped build trust and goodwill mutually. This is what we aspire and are in the business for.  

    Partnering with Innovkraft 

    By partnering with Innovkraft, you are at the benefit of competitive advantage in terms of creativity that goes hand-in-hand with expertise. Below are some of the reasons why you should choose us, a digital marketing agency in Bangalore, as your partner.
    • We prioritize client servicing and ensure their queries and questions are at the first line of resolution.
    • In-depth understanding of our client’s needs and objectives stands prominent to us. We do this through frequent meetings and discussions which evolve over time. Instead of an absolute approach, our aim is to understand our client on a dynamic basis.
    • Through constant assessments and executions, we commit our stance to achieving excellence. Each client project regardless of the size is taken care of in the most critical way. We are fond of iterative approaches which take us to the end of the solution.
    • Strong technical acumen has always been one of the pillars of our success. Our recruiting process is devised such that it has the keenest of eyes for candidates who possess strong technical knowledge and expertise.

    Tools we leverage to ensure a successful digital marketing endeavor 

    We use Google analytics to study user behavior and preferences along with monitoring website traffic. Later, we analyze user content and hence devise marketing strategies.
    Uber Suggest is a versatile keyword research tool that helps unearth relevant search terminologies, analyze search volume, and also enables us to identify long-tail keywords. This helps with better visibility of our client’s domains as they leverage their desired market niche.
    With Google Search Console, we are at the advantage of identifying the pain points of our clients. We also benefit from assessing brand performance along with the provision to submit analytical feedback for improvements.
    Our editing team leverages Adobe Premiere Pro to organize and edit video files as well as to enrich and fine-tune audio & image quality to bring out an organized and clean video output.
    We leverage DaVinci Resolve to perform video corrections that involves color grading, colour correction and for any modifications in video effects.
    To bring out the best static creative effects and perform enhanced image creation we use Adobe Photoshop. The application also provides us with the advantage to fully tailor and edit digital ideas in accordance with the client’s creative needs.
    Adobe After Effects lets us explore limitless special effects and sophisticated animations. With After effects, we are at the advantage of a highly responsive and stable tool that is capable of handling huge data sets and several layers of effects.
    By leveraging React.js we simplify the complex process of developing interactive interfaces in website development. With this we benefit our client’s user interface with high speed, flexibility, performance and a seamless user journey.
    In WordPress, we are availed of the advantage of a simple and convenient web management system which is high on response. Because the application is search engine and SEO friendly, it’s a win-win situation for our clients.
    To enable the creation, sharing and testing of designs for websites, we leverage the benefit of Figma, a web designing tool that promotes real-time collaboration thus making the whole design process easier. With Figma, our developers are at the advantage of inspecting, copying and exporting design assets straight from the design files thus reducing redundancy and uncertainty.

    Frequently asked questions

    If you are a business and want to gain maximum reach for your brand and products, then a digital marketing agency will do wonders for you. By leveraging the best practices, best tools and strategies, digital marketing companies in Bangalore help your brand get maximum business and engagement for your brand.
    Digital marketing companies in Bangalore has wider scope. They leverage and exhaust all social media channels and platforms such as Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter for B2B & B2C digital marketing campaigns. The aim is to generate leads and deliver business to their clients.
    Digital marketing companies in Bangalore manage social media of brands & businesses, optimize website pages, create & publish content for articles and blogs. Importantly, they drive social media strategies, SEO strategies to provide the brand the needed push and business value.
    Given that most individuals are social media savvy, posting a digital marketing ad on social media platforms increases the chances of its awareness by a whopping 80%. As a result, if the target audience or individuals view those ads, then it is more likely that close to 160% of them will do a dedicated search for your brand specific terms going forward.
    Most of the trustworthy digital marketing agency in Bangalore adhere to timelines and results. They provide you with projections of the value they bring in and substantiate them by telling you how much profit you can gain by partnering with them.
    SEO is abbreviated as Search Engine Optimization. The main role of SEO in a digital marketing company in Bangalore is to help maximize your brand awareness and reach through appropriate and relevant keywords in the form of blogs, articles and other content forms.
    Digital marketing involves the promotion of a product or a service via online/digital. It is a wholesome concept under which digital advertising is subset or piece of digital marketing which involves strategizing content, social media promotions, email marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
    Yes, opting for a digital marketing agency is profitable given their low startup costs and the current rise in demand for marketing services to drive business leads.
    PPC or Pay-Per-Click is a type of internet marketing where an advertiser pays a fee each time one of their ads gets a click on the web.
    Most business marketers leverage social media marketing, SEO & Email marketing as their top marketing platforms/techniques for wider and denser reach.

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