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Why SEO is important for your business?

Why SEO is more important for your business

For all of you who wonder, what’s SEO? I want maybe 8 minutes of your time to explain why this very key tool plays an important role in the digital marketing aspect of a business, be it small scale or large scale.

Before going into the optimization of search engines and the revolution or contribution it has caused in the internet, it’s better to understand what are ‘ Search Engines ‘. A search engine is a software system that is designed to carry out web searches by searching the World Wide Web in a systematic way for particular information. With evolution, it was time to improve and optimise the search engine algorithm to provide the end user with best results.
For example, Google Search Engine is the best search engine in the world.

What is SEO?

SEO stands for ‘search engine optimisation’ , this may come as a self explanatory but complex term to interpret. To simplify this, let’s assume it to be the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic to a website or a web page from search engines organically, than the otherwise paid way of captivating more traffic so the higher a page is ranked on the search engine results page the more visitors it will likely receive from search engine users, and in turn, return the most profit for your business.

Pro tip: According to Safari SEO Sydney for 2021, 61% of marketers believe that SEO is the key to online success and Just 0.83% of Clicks go to Websites on Page 2 of Google, so it is an essential need to stay on the first page and prioritise SEO as a Primary digital marketing tool for your company and also continue consistently with it.

Importance of SEO for small Biz

If you’re a small business owner, you should utilise SEO to build a strong web presence and bypass your competitions to gain new customers for your business and take it to the next level as it is not only about optimising for search engines but also about improving user experience.

A good user experience i.e, websites that are easy to read and navigate, are more likely to grab and hold attention from readers or visitors. The very purpose of having a website or marketing digitally is to stand out from competing companies and be more visible to the ‘targeted’ audience who are seeking a particular product or service.

Thus by investing in a SEO optimised website, it helps grow your business efficiently, two times faster and eventually more customers add up, making it one of the best marketing tactics.

Pro tip: Updating existing content with fresh images and written content can increase organic traffic by 111.3%.

Why choose SEO and How is it useful for your business?

When we run a business, factors like profits or customer feedback on a new product launch are beyond our control. But with a better SEO, more visibility is gained on popular search engines like google and bing, hence establishing trust and credibility with potential customers.

Investing in the website’s search engine optimisation, is a direct investment for profitability, visibility, improving user experience and generating online revenue, consequently likely to be shared to social platforms like Instagram and Facebook to grow and prosper.

82% of people who implemented an SEO strategy said that it had a positive effect on their business so it is safe to say, SEO is key to the growth of your brand.

Choose Innovkraft as Your Trusted SEO Partner

If you’re looking for a company to help you get to the top of the search engine rankings, why not give Innovkraft a call? With many satisfied clients and raving fans, our search engine optimization skills have been proven to help businesses just like yours find success online.
Still not convinced that SEO is right for you? We offer guaranteed SEO services, so if you don’t see results, we’ll give you your money back.
As one of the top SEO agencies in Bangalore, we’d be happy to answer any questions you may have about our SEO pricing plans, or the methods we use to improve your site’s visibility in search engines. Make the right choice for your company right away and feel free to contact us at any time!

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