Innovkraft Inc

Content is the new Currency

The currency of the digital world detailed

Content: The currency of the digital World

When tapping into the online world, you need great investment. Would you believe if we said there is an investment that’s more important than money? Hard to believe, right? Well, read this article to know more.

We are talking about investing time in generating valuable content. There is nothing more important than content when it comes to flourishing online.

Whether you are a social media influencer or an industry expert offering a service, you need quality content to get people to notice you. Digital marketing is a game where high-quality engaging content is your Ace of spade.

The Secret of Earning from your content

Many digital platforms are encouraging the creators to up their content game and create more innovative and engaging content to cut through the current digital competition.

The digital space is full of content but the winner is the one who serves value to the audience. Most platforms have introduced options to generate revenue for the content creators. There are two popular revenue models available for the creators:

  • Pay per content: Where the creator can charge per exclusive content to their audience.
  • Subscribe: Where the creator offers a paid subscription to thier audience on a weekly, monthly, or yearly basis and gets access to all the exclusive content for that period.

How it works

Platforms like Patreon and YouTube Music have already adopted this business model to generate revenue for the creators. In return, they deliver high-quality, innovative content to their premium customers.

The content is the king here; coz, Hey! Nobody is gonna pay a penny to you if your content is not worth it.

On Patreon, fans pay a small amount per month or per post to get access to the exclusive content of the creator. This motivates the creator to come up with more engaging and quality content for their followers.

In a similar way, creators on YouTube Music can get paid for the music they create. They can do it by streaming services or by uploading songs and albums that the creator can price according to their needs. The consumer then pays that sum for every download.

Recently, Twitter announced something similar to this model. Let’s what model is trending on Twitter.

What is Twitter planning? OR following the ‘Super Follow’ on Twitter

Twitter is the latest platform to have announced a similar revenue model for its creators and audience.

The new feature is not up and running yet, but we took the liberty to update you with what the little birdy told us about twitter’s new plan for revenue generation and how it benefits the creators and the followers.

The feature we are talking about is called SUPER FOLLOW.

So, what is Super Follow Anyway!

Super follow was announced by Twitter, earlier this year. This feature will allow Twitter users with over 10K followers to exclusive premium content with their followers.

The followers will have to pay a small amount ($4.99 theoretically suggested by Twitter) to join the space and become a super follower.

The idea is to generate more engaging and valuable content. To get your followers to become your super followers you will have to deliver content that is new, innovative, interesting, and authentic.

What’s in it for Super Followers?

“Why should you become a super follower?” To answer this, Twitter has offered the following benefits:

  •  A supporter badge – A badge that you receive while engaging with the exclusive content
  • Subscriber-only newsletters – Where you get exclusive information
  • Exclusive content – Access to fresh content
  • Deals and discounts
  • Community access

We can see from this list that content plays a vital part here, be it the subscriber-only newsletters or exclusive content.

For this feature to work, the key would be to create amazing content that adds value to the people who are paying for it.

The internet is already flooded with content, which makes it more difficult to create outstanding content that sells. You would need a strong strategic approach to stand out to get paid for your tweets

Work on a strategy that gives your content a great kickstart to earn for you. Once the feature is up, you could get it rolling.

Content with the right strategy can become lead and revenue generating machine.

This brings us to our approach at Innovkraft Inc, which helps you get the most from your content game.

Let Innovkraft craft content that sells

Innovkraft, focuses on what you need.

We carry out a thorough analysis and understand the vision and mission of your business. The purpose and the journey of your brand is important for us.

Once we have a clarity with this, we propose the strategies that can help your business achieve them within a set timeline.

We craft content in the format that describes your business offerings in the best and the most effective way. The content is in line with your brand’s purpose and is tailor made to foster engagement with your target audience.

As different people consume content in different formats, we cover these formats with our team of experts constantly working toward generating amazing content.

We help increase your brand presence and sales with blogs, articles, content for your website, creative copy writing, and graphic designing.

We can work together with you to develop interesting and innovative content. With our team of digital marketing experts, you can get your words out there and build your tribe.

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