Innovkraft Inc

The Role of Header tags in ON-Page SEO

What are Header tags


In the present scenario, SEO analytics has become an integral part of any digital platform. It indicates how well your website should rank in the search engine results pages with suitable keywords in place. In the wide area of digital marketing, on-page optimization has a high preference for good brand visibility. Among them, one of the most underrated elements of SEO is the Header Tags for On-page optimization. 

Innovkraft,  the best SEO agency in Bangalore, specializing in SEO content for websites, has come up with a blog where they are diving deep into the world of header tags, exploring their significance in on-page optimizations and offering best practices of their effective usage. 

what are header tags

Header tags, which are also known as HTML heading tags, are formatting characters used in web pages to place the content in a certain format with a certain structure and order. They act like the headings in a newspaper or magazine book, with the outcome of a streamlined draft of the data to be present on the page. Header tags are differentiated into six forms, from H1 to H6 tags and each is elaborated in detail below: 

  • The H1 tag is the primary or the main heading of an SEO webpage. It generally represents the subject topic or is the title of the content. Only one H1 tag is allowed for a webpage 
  • H2, or the subheading tag represents a fragment of pointers to be discussed in the blog post, and it can appear multiple times as per the importance of each pointer to be discussed. 
  • H3 tags and subsequent header tags are further broken down into subheadings within H2 sections, resulting in exploring the minute details of the content. 
  • Though the above three are the main header tags, it is always a plus while using the rest of the headers, if necessary, as it gives users the feel of trust, given the attention to detail on the content 

The Structure of H1, H2 and H3 Tags 

what are Header tags in SEO

When you imagine well-put SEO content, The H1 tag will be your research statement, branding the main subject in the discussion. Next comes the H2 tags which will be your topic sentences explaining each pointer, in turn supporting your thesis. Lastly, the H3 tags act as sub-points within the H2 tag consisting of each topic sentence, in turn providing the minutest of details. This standard format helps the readers to go through your content with ease and step by step readthrough of your content. 

Why are Header tags Important in SEO 

There are multiple reasons why Header Tags are an important part of an SEO blog post. Here’s why: 

Importance of Header Tags in SEO 
  • A carefully designed header with clear and concisely placed wordings makes content aesthetically rich, and easy to read and understand. Your intent of conveying your thesis to a reader convincing them that your content is indeed valuable. This increases the reader’s chance to stay longer on your page and an overall positive UX is guaranteed, increasing your chances of ranking higher in the SERPs. 
  • A reader’s impression forms at first glance. With the words well placed in a neat format, the overall layout structure gives a positive appeal to the reader. By using headers, we can break down complex topics further into multiple segments, improving the overall content. 
  • A cleverly put SEO blog contains a carefully researched set of keywords, that sound natural, and relevant to the current trend, by keeping in mind the challenges concerning keyword stuffing. Placing them in a structured format within the right header tags is very important for higher visibility in search engines. 
  • We must keep in mind that there are users with special abilities as well, especially the ones who use screen readers, which navigate the web pages by reading out the header tags. This allows the user to navigate specific sections of interest. 

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    Advanced Strategies for Header Tag Optimization 

    While using headers is a foundational SEO practice, there are advanced practices that can be implemented to further optimize them on search engines: 

    What are Header tags in SEO
    • Include the right set of researched and analyzed keywords organically into your header tags while keeping the language flow natural and original, without making it look like it is AI-generated. To appear broadly in SERPs it is advised to use both primary and secondary keywords. 
    • Aim for an optimum header length that is concise, to the point and brings out the most accurate essence of what your content wants to convey. A very long header can either bore your readers or make them want to skip your blog post altogether, which is the least that you would want. 
    • Be cautious about following a hierarchy of headers. Jumbling headers may disrupt the logical flow of your blog content. This may put off the reader when there is no connection between the headers and the body. This may cost heavily for you, ultimately losing the reader’s interest in your content. For instance, it is prohibited from going to H3 directly after H1. 
    • While writing a story, it becomes more like storytelling than jotting words. With the right words crafted right headers, you are not only captivating the readers’ interest but also increasing your chances of gaining higher visibility in the search engines. The header tags are compared to mini advertisements for your blog content. 

    Best Practices to follow while using Header Tags: 

    • Using a unique H1 Tag to capture the essence of your content. 
    • Use clear set of trending keywords, keeping it natural, yet enhancing user experience 
    • H2 and H3 are very important header tags, and must be used with a concise language format, providing the details of the detailed content 
    • Maintain a structured and logical flow of header tags, ensuring each tag is at the right place in the content. This ensures continuity to your captivating content. 
    • Use listicle format wherever possible, thereby enhancing the user experience, and bringing a lasting impression of your content to the readers. 
    • Follow top digital marketing tools that help you with SEO for your website content, ensuring to be up to date with the current market trends. 
    • Ensure your content provides the same user experience in all devices, without reducing its quality of delivery. 
    Header tags in SEO


    We have seen what Header tags are, where and how it is used, and why it is an upcoming and powerful tool in SEO, that can predominantly improve your website’s On-page optimization and user experience. By implementing the best practices provided above, you can create a website with a neat layout, that is easy for both search engines to rank you on top and for users to navigate. As you are aware, SEO is a continual process. Here at Innovkraft, our team of SEO experts helps you plan and develop overall SEO planning which helps you optimize your website for higher search visibility and drives organic traffic. Innovkraft, a leading Digital Marketing Agency in Bangalore, who are specializes in SEO content for websites, has come up with this blog where they are diving deep into the world of header tags, exploring their significance in on-page optimizations and offering best practices of their effective usage.  
    Contact us today to gain insights into our SEO services and how we can help your website leverage itself in the new-age digital world. 

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