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How Website Speed is an Important Factor to Boost SEO?

How Does Website Speed Boost SEO optimization
How Does Website Speed Boost SEO optimization


In today’s world, it is hard to keep up with the speed of constant development changes. In the digital realm, website speed reigns in prominence. A fast-running website must ideally provide quick and smooth user exposure to a user and is an influential factor in driving Search Engine Optimization. Here is a blog post by Innovkraft, a leading Best SEO agency in Bangalore, which delves into the technicalities of website speed and its effectiveness on Search Engine Optimization.

SEO optimization
SEO optimization

What is Page Speed?  

Page Speed is the time a website takes for its content to completely load and become accessible quickly to visitors. It includes everything from text to images, videos, animations, and chatbots included. For a website to operate within a few seconds, 3-second load time is said to be the ideal speed if you want your visitors to be engaged, leading to building interest in your content.
Website Speed
Website Speed

How to Test Your Website Speed for SEO 

Have you ever clicked on a link and then impatiently tapped your foot while the page loads? If so, you’re not alone. Website speed is a major factor in both user experience and SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Here’s a quick way to check your website’s speed and see if it’s giving your SEO a thumbs up or a thumbs down. 

In just four steps, you can diagnose your website’s speed and get actionable tips for improvement. First, select a free website speed testing tool. Popular options include Google PageSpeed Insights, GTmetrix, and Pingdom Tools. These tools are user-friendly and offer valuable insights.  

Website Speed
Website Speed
Next, simply enter your website URL and initiate the test. Some tools allow you to choose a test location and device type (mobile or desktop), which is helpful for understanding how your site performs for different users.
Website Speed
Website Speed
Once the test is complete, you’ll receive a performance score and a detailed report. Focus on metrics like Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS). These are part of Google’s Core Web Vitals, which directly influence your SEO ranking.
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SEO optimization

The best part? The report should provide specific recommendations to address any speed issues. Common suggestions include optimizing images, reducing the number of website elements that need to load (HTTP requests), leveraging browser caching to store website data for faster future visits, and minifying code to make it smaller and download quicker. 

By following these steps and implementing the recommended improvements, you can significantly boost your website’s speed. This translates to a better user experience, happier visitors, and a potential SEO advantage. Remember, a speedy website is a happy website, and that can lead to a successful one! 

Have you ever been in a situation where you have clicked on a website link, and waited impatiently while the page loads? If so, you’re not the only one. Did you know? Website speed is an important and major factor aspect in both UI/UX and SEO. Here’s a quick guide on ways to check your website’s speed and check if it is showing a thumbs up or a thumbs down for SEO factor.  

These are a set of 4 points, simplified for you to check website speed:

Multiple options available for trusted free and paid tools areavailable to test website speed. The most popular of choices is Google PageSpeed Insights ( Read on through the next few pointers on how to check website speed.  

Website Speed
Website Speed
  • Enter the URL of any website into the speed testing tool and initiate the test. It is optional to mention the location details and device type, whether mobile or desktop.
  • The tool then shows a performance score on the screen with a detailed report. Be mindful of metrics such as Cumulative Layout Shift, First Input Delay, and Largest Contentful Paint which are aspects of Google’s Core Web Aspects, which is an important factor that directly impacts SEO.  
  • The report generated provides detailed insights on ways to improve your website speed. These include reducing requests from HTTP, minifying code, optimizing images, and leveraging browser caching.  
Be mindful always, that a fast-loading website provides a seamless user experience and keeps visitors  
engaged. Following these few easy steps and addressing the highlighted issues improves your website’s speed significantly and boosts the SEO performance in turn.

How Important is Website Speed for SEO?

There are many factors to determine why Window Speed is a critical factor for SEO:
  • Direct ranking specifics: In Google, the Direct Ranking Factor prioritizes user specifics like ease of navigating and experience, and for that, the website speed is one of the main elements. Faster loading time can up your website’s chances to rank higher in the search results. 

  • Seamless user experience: Nobody wants to be on the receiving end for a website to load with a long wait time. This will lead to users facing frustration, high bounce rates where users will be leaving the site as soon as they face the wait time, and short dwell time which is the time the users spend on a website. These bad situations will have a negative impact on SEO. 

  • Mobile compatible ratio: Google initially assesses the mobile version of your website for indexing. Usually, mobiles have slower connections due to poor network. So, Google uses the indexing to optimize your website for mobile speed, which is necessary for SEO success. 
How Does Website Speed Boost SEO optimization
How Does Website Speed Boost SEO optimization

Does Page Speed Affect SEO? 

The answer is a resonating yes! Website speed is undoubtedly the main ranking factor in different search engines’ algorithms. One such study by Google emphasizes that users tend to exit the websites altogether when it takes 3 seconds longer than usual to load. This itself shows how important website speed is, for SEO of the websites and in terms of UI/UX aspect.
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SEO optimization

7 Tips to Improve Website Speed for SEO 

Here are some constructive tips to optimize your website speed and enhance the search engine optimization:

1. Optimize high resolution Images

Big sized, uncompressed images significantly reduce loading time of websites. Check and work out plans to change the size and compress images before uploading them to the website, which will ensure a fast-loading speed. You can explore how to use different tools like Photoshop app by Adobe or free online compression services making the website compatible and faster.

2. Cut down on HTTP Requests

For all the elements present on your website, be it images or stylesheets, it is a must for you to have such a request from HTTP. It is advisable to have a clean layout with a reduced number of requests, so that it can improve the website speed. Use smart techniques like bringing together multiple stylesheets and scripts.

3. Leverage on Caching of Browser

Caching allows you to locally store elements in the browsers, cutting down the need to download them repeatedly. Enabling caching for various static elements like scripts and images can remarkably increase the website speed for recurring visitors.

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    4. Slash down Codes

    This ensures nullifying the not so important and unnecessary characters and formatting from your website’s important files like Css, HTML, and JavaScript files. This lessens the file size drastically and increases the loading speed. Many tools are available online and the plugins can assist in the code minification.

    5. Use of Content Delivery Network (CDN)

    A CDN helps store copies of your website’s content accessed anywhere through geographically distributed servers. This ensured the reduction of the distance the data may have to travel, paving the way to loading the data at a faster pace, ensuring users stay on the website for a longer time, anywhere in the world

    6. Use of Content Delivery Network (CDN)

    A slow server can choke your website’s speed and in turn reduce the traffic. Increase the hosting plan of your website by having fast servers in place. If this feature is not present, consider upgrading your hosting plan, as it is an important need.

    7. Regular tidying of unused data like Plugins and stagnant Themes

    Unused plugins and themes can contribute to bloatware in your website, slowing down your website, and obstructing effective performance. Keeping a regular hygiene of your files and browser is important. Eliminating unnecessary files helps increase website speed fast and helps in SEO
    Website Speed
    Website Speed


    Ready to discover the tactics of SEO and its benefits for seamless user experience with a faster website? Innovkraft’s SEO experts are the ones to help you. Reach out today for a consultation with us.

    By checking and working on increasing the speed of your website and its effects of SEO, you are not only improving your search engine ability but also creating a user-friendly and feasible layout experience for your visitors and creating an engaging platform for the users, so that they are turned into recurring visitors. At Innovkraft, a leading Best SEO company in India, we offer an all-inclusive SEO service that incorporates website speed optimization. Our team of skilled SEO experts will do the job for you! 

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