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7 Best Email Marketing Hacks that you Wish you Knew Earlier

7 best email marketing hacks that you wish you knew earlier detailed

Did you know email marketing is one of the effective ways to communicate with your customers?

Around 4.5 billion people in the world use email marketing.

Despite there are the latest digital methods to communicate with your audience, email marketing is a powerful tool that can help you directly reach your customers and also increase your business revenue.

But many business owners are not ready to make the best use of email marketing, which will reduce their sales and business profit.

However, email marketing is not the sole solution for your business. You need to learn the tactics of email marketing to build a successful business by converting your visitors to subscribers.

In this blog, we will tell discuss 7 effective email marketing strategies that you are missing out for your business.

Ready to drive more sales.

Let’s dive in…

1. Customize your Content

Customers love it if they find a product or service that is personalized just for them.

So always keep your content simple and engaging. It can help you connect with more audiences, earn more click-through rates, and increase conversion rates.

For an instance, assume you are sending an email to your subscribers.

Instead of saying “Dear Subscriber”, or just saying greetings like hello, hey you directly say their first name.


The subscriber will feel more personalized when they see their name as a greeting.

In this way, you can achieve more open rates and exceed your profit margin.

2. Preview Text to Engage your Customers

Preview text also known as pre-header is a short description of what’s in your email that is shown as a preview in your inbox below or next to the subject line. Preview text is the first thing a receiver will see in their inbox. It is an excellent way to directly connect with your customers.

Here’s an example of how the preview text looks like


3. Offer Some Value Addition

Your email marketing should always aim to understand what exactly your customers want.

So when you are writing the content keep in mind that your email should provide value that is on par with what your audience is interested in.


If your mail does not provide sales information, doesn’t mean that your audience are not interested.

Every brand does not sell products. The information may vary based on the type of industry. Some websites are offering educational content or newsletters.

By learning your customers’ problems and pain points and creating real valuable content that addresses those issues, you can achieve more subscribers and build the right value for your brand.

4. Catchy Subject Lines

If you want your email to be opened and read by the user. Then you need to craft a captivating subject line that will boost your email engagement.

Subject line is a single line that email recipients view when they receive your mail.


According to Statista, around 306 billion emails are sent and received every day. And by 2025 it could increase to 376 emails per day.

Unfortunately, a large percentage of emails go unopened. Where emails with good content might also go unrecognized.

Subject lines are the MVPs of email marketing and also can increase open rates.

We have curated 5 simple ways to write catchy subject lines

  1. Use engaging or interesting words to grab the reader’s attention and develop curiosity. You also create more fun by adding some rhyming words or emojis to keep them hooked.
  2. Add a Call-to-action phrase in your subject line. This will provide a clear understanding of your email and drive consumers to action
  3. Create compelling questions to draw your reader’s attention. Asking questions that are relevant to your buyer’s persona will create more engagement.
  4. Adding deadlines can encourage the readers to prioritize your emails. If you running some offers then you can remind your subscribers in your mail.
  5. Always check your inbox. This will give you an idea of how other brands are writing their subject lines. You can also consider those subject lines and change them accordingly to your brand vision.

5. Facilitate Email Replies

Your email subscribers generate more sales.

People expect to hear about your brand constantly about your products, services, or some offers.

The goal of email marketing is to communicate and attract people who are interested to buy your supplies.

But do you think is it possible to reach your audience with one-way communication?

Absolutely no.

Emails embedded with questions will boost conversion rates.

Asking questions in your mail is the best way to encourage your readers.


Receiving email replies from your subscribers will provide valuable insights about your brand. You feel more confident and help you understand what exactly your customers are expecting from you.

6. Run Email Campaigns

Email campaigns are the best way to keep up with your customers.

To build a successful email marketing campaign you need to prepare a calendar.

How often do you want to send your emails to your subscribers? Daily, weekly, or monthly?

Your email campaigns can be about

  1. Announcement
  2. Offers, discounts, vouchers, or coupons
  3. Events
  4. Promotions
  5. Re-targeting

Before you start the campaign, it’s important to know your target audience. If you understand your audience then you can easily create personalized email content that is more likely to open.

After you figure out the target audience, you should have a clear idea about your brand goals to who and why you are sending them.

Your email should possess an extraordinary subject line, attractive designs, and relevant information according to your buyer’s interest.

After sending your emails you can also track and optimize your email campaign.

You don’t need to put much effort into tracking your emails.

Luckily we have automated tools like Mailchimp, so you can easily learn about open rates, number of clicks, how many times your email was forwarded, and unsubscribed rates

This data analytics will give you valuable insights about how successful your campaign was, and what necessary changes and adjustments you need to do for your next email campaign to improve your business revenue.

7. Design Stellar Visuals

An email with 60% text and 40% visuals is the best way to convey your message and make it to your customer’s inboxes.


Unorganized mail will make your reader confused and frustrated. It’s important to pay attention to visual elements like

LAYOUT: Email is visual content. Showing your audience with appealing visuals will engage them and generate more leads. The layout design must be easy to navigate. The user should be able to find the information they’re looking for.

FONTS: You might be eager to use fancy web fonts, but some of the fonts may not load or fail to display your message. It’s necessary to use email-friendly fonts that are displayed on all screens. For example, Arial, Verdana, Tahoma, and Trebuchet MS are some of the best fonts to use in your email design.

RESPONSIVE DESIGN: Make sure that your email designs are optimized for both mobile and desktop users. Recipients can be able to read emails conveniently anywhere on any device. Choose responsive templates for your email and test yourself on different devices.

EMAIL SIGNATURE: This is another best practice to include a signature to enhance your brand credibility with your audience. An email signature should be written at the end of the mail which contains your brand name, social media handles, contact number, email id, and unsubscribe link.

Take Away:

Despite email marketing being the oldest form of communication in the digital platform, it is one of the best solution to grow to business successfully.

The revenue of email marketing is expected to surpass 10 billion U.S. dollars.

This means their competition is huge and you need to apply the best strategies to stand ahead of the game and take your business to next level.

You might not see the results overnight, it takes a lot of patience and hard work to earn the results.

Now it’s your turn to adapt these email hacks today and reach your business goals.

If you still need support talk to our digital marketing experts today.

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