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5 big benefits of using influencer marketing that will make your brand go viral

Benefits of using influencer marketing

Past few years influencer marketing has become widely popular in the industry. Many organizations are implementing influencer marketing as a core marketing strategy to propel their brand on social media.

According to Mediakix, 80% of marketers find influencer marketing to be an effective marketing strategy for their business.

An influencer marketing campaign involves working with well-known social media personalities to grow your online business on various digital platforms like Facebook, YouTube, or Instagram.

Many business owners find it difficult to find or reach their target audience on various social media platforms. Hence, influencer marketing can be the best solution to the problem. It allows brands to advertise their products and services you can easily tap potential customers, improve brand awareness, and generate more leads for your business.

1. Reach your potential buyers

Compared to social media marketing methods, influencer marketing is a viable and robust way to spread the message about your products and services to extend the scope of your brand.

By collaborating with the right influencer and creating meaningful content you can broadcast to social media users about the products and services you offer will help you reach your buyers and helps you gain more visibility for your business.

Example : Vivo Z1 Pro and Ashish Chanchalani

Ashish Chanchalani is a popular Indian YouTuber who makes comedy videos related to daily life situations. The channel has gained 29.2 million subscribers, which is a great way to target the audience and advertise in the video.

He published a video “The Mummy“. The video has a scene where he promotes Vivo Z1 Pro. The product promotion is showcased in a very natural way, you don’t feel it is a promotion in the video. So far this is one of the best influencer marketing campaigns.

This is the best way to attract customers to buy your product or service and upscale your business.

2. Avoids ad-blockers

Many digital audience use ad-blocking software to avoid display ads or even skip ads on YouTube. As a result, advertisers are facing loss in their business. Influencer marketing is the best option to adopt over digital advertising.

Because 92% of consumers trust influencer recommendations from the content creators they follow.

It is impossible to block influencer’s content from the people they like and trust on social media. Hence, it is an advantage for influencers to spread your brand’s message.

3. Affordable

Why hire a model or a photographer to showcase your products when you can use influencer marketing?

Influencers possess advanced production skills. They include all the production and distribution costs in their fee. This eliminates your burden of spending more on traditional production and generates profitable revenue for your business.

4. Builds your content strategy

Creating engaging and creative content can be a difficult task. Working with influencers will help you come up with new and fresh ideas for your brand. They put a lot of effort into content that resonates with the brand that excites and engages their followers. This can aid to benefit your business.

5. Credibility

Influencers can build trust and inspiring relationships with their fans. As a result, followers consider their advice or honest opinions about the product to be trustworthy.

According to a study, 70% of users prefer reviews from their favorite creators on digital platforms.

For better understanding, we have covered few a best influencer marketing campaign examples.

6. Feedback

Feedback or reviews play an important role in every business.

9 out of 10 customers check reviews before they proceed to buy any product or visit that place.

Influencer feedbacks add amazing value to enhance your brand awareness and build a high-level trust in their recommendations about the product.

Now imagine, an influencer has 50,000 followers on social media. By giving away your products for review, your brand will be exposed to all 50,000 followers and help you build brand loyalty.

For example, have you come across Food Lovers TV?

Kripal Amman is the founder of the YouTube channel Food Lovers TV. He is a food vlogger with 1.06 million subscribers on his channel.

He travels across various cities and states in India to promote food through his videos. Most of his videos contain dedicated food reviews where he talks about taste, food preparation, and ambiance.

Some of his popular videos are Joolada Rotti Oota with Power Start Puneet Rajkumar, Mani Dum Biryani Hoskote, Most Popular FISH FRY in Kozhikode Amma Hotel, and much more.

In this way, reviews can boost customers’ confidence and influence them to visit the restaurant.

Take Away:

Influencer marketing is the ideal way to leverage your marketing campaigns in a unique way to meet new customers and increase conversion rates with meaningful content to reach your business goals.

If you want help creating an influencer marketing campaign our digital marketing agency can guide you through the entire process and make your brand successful.

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